We have been making hair a little over 4 years now. My mother is very crafty and has been making clothes for years now, and she is a seamstress. I have always been into creating art, in all forms. I went to school for Art, Graphic Design and Photography, but always wanted to go for Fashion Design. However, I could not afford the school for that.
I love taking custom orders, if you see something you like, but it's not the colors you want I can remake anything. Also if you have a dream pair of falls, let me know, I love being creative and I can come up with some pretty crazy things!
Falls are awesome for lots of things! They can be worn day to day for a different hair look, they can be worn in clubs, raves, and at parties! Also for Belly Dancing, cosplay, Modeling, photo shoots, Rennaisance Faires, or anything else you can think of. They stay in for a full night of dancing, and can be taken right out to go to your job in the morning. I have sold hair to Models, Movie makers in Japan, Dancers, Belly Dancers, for Burning Man, for Mardi Gras, proms, weddings, and for everyday use.

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wild clothes I like your choice of models
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