Friday, December 14, 2007

Featured Seller: Calobee!

I am a photographer and designer with a B.A. in New Media from the University of Maine. I live and work in Maine with my husband, Tim, and our three crazy cats.

Initially, photography acted as a springboard for digital art - I loved taking photos and altering them in Photoshop, creating layers of color, image, and text. As I experimented and learned more about the art of photography itself, I wanted to take photographs that stood on their own. I've always been drawn toward the visual arts, and photography is where I've found my niche.

My photographs focus on the transformation of personal spaces into surreal landscapes of life. The majority of my ideas are born out of a desire to capture common themes, experiences and stories from everyday life, but with an ironic twist. I see everything I do as a picture of the human mind, magnified tenfold, so that we see all the darkest corners. I find beauty in the surreal, the unusual, and the awkward.

I can be found at the following places:

And here are my three favorite items:

Her story will never be written


Laundry Day

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